Build an acquisition marketing plan for the
0-1 stage of your startup.

You’ve nailed product-market fit. Congratulations! What’s next? The transformation from initial traction to a scalable growth engine.

Book a Strategy Session
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If this sounds daunting, I can help.

We know growth comes in many shapes and sizes - some sustainable, some not. You’re more likely to succeed if your acquisition plan aligns to your business model, financial expectations, and available resources.

As a Fractional CMO or advisor for your startup, I can help you build a solid foundation for growth.

I will develop an integrated acquisition plan in collaboration with your in-house marketing team or agencies. I won’t just “hand off” a bunch of pretty slides, I’ll be there for the journey after to ensure strategy translates to effective action.

Strategy review and alignment

Strategy review and alignment

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Understand business ambitions and expected timelines

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Reconfirm and validate Product-Market Fit

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Align marketing goals to business objectives

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Assess budgets and resourcing

Capabilities and readiness

Capabilities and readiness

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Value proposition, messaging and core creative assets

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Target audience: Review Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), size addressable audiences

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Digital assets & infrastructure: App/website, CRM, social media platforms

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People and skills check

crux advisory Optimization roadmap

An integrated marketing roadmap

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Prioritized routes or channels (paid / organic) to test

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Audience targeting and messaging focus

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Success metrics & key performance indicators (KPIs)

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Supervise execution & track results; pivot as needed

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Expansion or new test & learn opportunities

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Recommendations to optimize customer acquisition

What are the benefits of an acquisition marketing plan?

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Start strong, avoid errors. Build a repeatable growth motion from strategy to tactics.

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Scale revenue, improve marketing effectiveness: Prioritize the right channels for greater business impact and optimized customer acquisition cost (CAC).

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Create a superior acquisition and onboarding experience: Amplify 'aha' moments or address points of friction across the user journey.

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Secure your next funding round: Hit critical business milestones for existing or potential investors.

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Future-proof your marketing: Invest in new capabilities and infrastructure as you scale.

Choose your own path to Growth. Engage on your own terms.

Start Small

Get on-demand expertise with 30-minute consultation sessions

Level Up

Level up with ongoing support from an advisor


Get on the fast track to growth with a Fractional CMO

How to Engage

I’m not sure about what kind of marketing support I need? What should I do?

No problem! I know the world of marketing and fractional talent can seem complex at first glance. Take a look at the engagement options available from fractional to on-demand expertise. If that doesn’t help, feel free to email me with your questions. 

I’m interested!  What happens next?

That’s great! Tell me about your business and schedule a complimentary 20 minute consultation with me to get started. I look forward to getting to know you. 

If there’s a fit, I will send over an initial proposal & scope of work to you after our discussion. Once we’re aligned, we’ll sign an MSA and get started. 

Alternatively, if you’re just looking for strategic expertise on a one-off or ad-hoc basis vs. a longer time frame, you can book a 30 min or 45 min strategy session right away.