Reduce your CAC and improve ROI. Make your marketing more effective and sustainable.

Have you spent the last year chasing unsustainable growth? Are your customer acquisition costs (CAC) on the rise and is your Lifetime Value (LTV)/CAC benchmark ratio worsening with time?

Book a Strategy Session
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If this sounds like you or your startup, I can help you get your house in order.

Have you spent your marketing budget across many channels without understanding what truly works? Do you know which channel is driving impact vs. others that are tagging along for the ride?

I know the importance of rigor and discipline. I’ve led many B2C and B2B teams that delivered sizable revenue / LTV while adhering to specific cost efficiency and productivity goals.

As a Fractional CMO or advisor for your startup, I will build an optimization plan.

And provide strategic direction to make your marketing more productive. I’ll work closely with your in-house team or agencies to ensure that our plan delivers impact.

Strategy review and alignment

Strategy review and alignment

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Understand business objectives and unit economics

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Align marketing goals and KPIs (CAC, ROAS thresholds) to business objectives

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Assess budgets and capabilities readiness vs. timelines for turnaround

Capabilities and readiness

Marketing review and gap assessment

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Review channel spend mix, revenue and ROI contribution

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Channel setup and tracking, measurement checks

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Audience targeting & creative performance insights

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Audit E2E user experience to understand conversion drop-offs

crux advisory Optimization roadmap

Optimization roadmap

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Identify optimization opportunities across channels, creative, user journey and measurement

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Prioritize initiatives based on potential impact vs. lift to execute

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Align on leading indicators of success and timelines

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Supervise execution and track results. Test and iterate

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Mid to long term: Invest in enablers and team capabilities

What are the benefits of optimizing your marketing?

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Lower your burn rate: Stop spending on ineffective channels. Extend your financial runway.

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Optimize the end-to-end user journey: Identify gaps and sources of friction from ad creative / content to landing pages.

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Team Focus: Prioritize your team's time on the channels that matter the most.

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Future-proof: Invest in medium to longer term enablers to reduce Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and improve profitability.

Choose your own path to Growth. Engage on your own terms.

Start Small

Get on-demand expertise with 30-minute consultation sessions

Level Up

Level up with ongoing support from an advisor


Get on the fast track to growth with a Fractional CMO

How to Engage

I’m not sure about what kind of marketing support I need? What should I do?

No problem! I know the world of marketing and fractional talent can seem complex at first glance. Take a look at the engagement options available from fractional to on-demand expertise. If that doesn’t help, feel free to email me with your questions. 

I’m interested!  What happens next?

That’s great! Tell me about your business and schedule a complimentary 20 minute consultation with me to get started. I look forward to getting to know you. 

If there’s a fit, I will send over an initial proposal & scope of work to you after our discussion. Once we’re aligned, we’ll sign an MSA and get started. 

Alternatively, if you’re just looking for strategic expertise on a one-off or ad-hoc basis vs. a longer time frame, you can book a 30 min or 45 min strategy session right away.